Of all the alerts that come to my phone, seeing that a Tennessee legislator put forth a bill to limit the sale of cold beer was astonishing. There’s SO many issues plaguing the state and the sale of cold beer was the issue they sought to address? Ok, I get it… we can focus on more than one thing and many bills get pushed at the same time. But ya’ll cold beer? Rep. Ron Gant (R-Piperton) introduced the bill, HB 2845, to prohibit licensed stores from selling beer that was specifically cold or refrigerated. Why did he do this you ask? Well… that’s easy… to prevent drunk driving.

You read that right. He tried to prevent the sale of cold beer to reduce drunk driving and DUIs. Hold this thought, I’m going to come back to this in a sec.
The bill was asinine and is now dead in the water; it’s back to the drawing board. Businesses pushed back because it was a bill that was not thought out. Grant abandoned his efforts because the bill would be “unfair to businesses.” Check out his response from wbir.com:
“The commission would also work with law enforcement to streamline responses to fatal crashes involving alcohol and trace where the offender obtained their alcohol from. A task force is being considered as well that would include members from various departments on how to combat drunk driving statewide,” he said “I believe we can find proactive, common-sense ways that keep our roadways safe and prevent drunk driving fatalities in Tennessee.”
The first question is why weren’t these efforts exhausted before putting the bill in motion? Why are you not considering all aspects before trying to pull off something as big as this? I’m ALL FOR safer TN roadways. Things should be done to prevent DUIs and drunk driving, I just believe there’s better ways to help with that *cough* transit plan *cough*.
Ok remember that thought I asked you to hold? Go ahead and retrieve that.

He tried to prevent the sale of cold beer to reduce drunk driving and DUIs.
Ya’ll… why are republicans not using this method when it comes to gun control??? If cold beer is the problem, wouldn’t guns be an equivalent factor? How many children have to be slaughtered for you them to make such an effort? But given the lack of forethought for this bill, I wouldn’t expect any legislation for gun control to be thoughtfully considered.
This is just another way the right wingers show their hypocrisy. Instead of throwing out silly ass legislation, how about you make the effort and not waste time? That time they’ve wasted could be applied to finding solutions… but we know they’re not solution based, so who am I kidding?!
*sigh* cracks a cold brew