I think everyone started the year off with grand plans and intentions. Many said “2020 is going to be my year!” Then just like that… the year came to a screeching halt. We had just gotten back from Mardi Gras, the super spreader that set things off in the U.S., when the world shut down. We were relieved that we dodged that bullet but what was the outlook for the rest of the two week shutdown year? Plans were indeed changing.
I’ll definitely say my plans changed in 2020 and I’d actually say for the better… 2020 allowed me to dive deeper into the craft beer world. I was made aware of the possibilities that existed. With the world slowed down, everyone had a little more time on their hands and were willing to share their piece of the puzzle. I definitely appreciated this aspect…

“Ya’ll brewed the Black is Beautiful Beer” but still overwhelmingly voted for our oppressors.” (434 likes)
I was PISSED seeing how many people voted for Donald Trump and that is what sparked this meme. When the racial injustices happened in front of the world earlier this summer, we witnessed civil unrest as a response, on a world wide level. I saw America upset, hurt, and embarrassed, but I called bullshit. Now, I don’t doubt that some people were changed but I stated that I’d wait until the election to see just how genuine America was about making changes. Well dammit, that man got a lot of votes. There was an overwhelming vote to say “nah we wanna stay the same” and really with the INCREASE in his votes, it actually said… “Fuck you Black and brown people.” We saw the Black is Beautiful beer as a response but these votes made me feel it was all for show. The day after the election I didn’t know who to trust. It felt like all the white people voted for Trump. I know that wasn’t the case, but I didn’t see your ballot, why can I trust you? I still think Black is Beautiful was a great effort by the industry but I plan to help make sure it wasn’t just all for show.
Cicerone Certified Beer Server (265 likes)
This was a fun experience! A group of women coming together to learn about craft beer and making genuine connections in the industry. We have some great mentors who poured life into us. Eugenia, @blackbeerchick, is a great person with a vision and passion that is contagious #NoRona. She has served as motivation for me before the #Roadto100 initiative, but definitely kicked it up a notch. I didn’t want to let her down (my own imposed expectations, NOT hers). I passed my exam in November! I just hopped in and took the test, my nerves said now is the time. My wife didn’t even know I was taking the real thing until I exclaimed my passing. I don’t think I knew how much there was to beer. There is a lot to learn and I’m just in the beginning. As I type this, I realize I need to create my study schedule for 2021 because I will be a Certified Cicerone by the end of first quarter.
My Black Beer Experience (189 likes)
In 2021, I want to amplify Black voices in the craft beer industry. My Black Beer Experience is just that. An opportunity to speak on what your experience has been, highlighting what you love about the industry and what you’d like to see changed. As I’m typing this I realize that I need to set an alert reminder for this so I can be consistent. At one point, you all will be asking about this week’s highlight because this will be a Black craft beer drinker staple. #ClaimingIt
BBE 1000 Followers Craft Beer Giveaway (163 likes)
I started the BBE IG in January. I knew I had to connect with more people and IG was a great place to do that for beer drinkers. Prior to creating BBE, I barely posted on my personal page. I didn’t need to see your kid’s or dog’s picture on IG AND Facebook, so I opted to just enjoy FB. I found my IG groove in craft beer. I’ve been able to grow my page this year with the moves I’ve made, especially the #Roadto100 initiative, and that’s what lead to the giveaway. It was fun to share some of my favorites and my brand with @eugenebeerlove, the winner. And FYI, his name isn’t Eugene, he’s from Eugene, Washington!
Shotgun a Black is Beautiful Beer (163 likes)
I helped to brew Jackalope’s Black is Beautiful beer. It was my first commercial beer brewing experience and I took it all in! Well in the craft beer world, shotgunning a beer is as natural as brushing your teeth. When a new beer is created, a lot of places shot gun it. I went to Georgia Southern and we FUNNELED beer. I recall shotgunning a beer freshman year in a dorm room that had a tub in the bathroom. We stood in it and made a mess. After that, I switched over to funneling. I’m in craft beer now, so when in Rome… well to get up here and shotgun a beer after 34985342 years, suffice to say I was nervous as hell. Would I hurl? Would I finish? I can’t be no punk! AND It was a big bold stout? Oh boy was I nervous… but I killed it. I still got it. The question is do I still want it?
Panther Creek Brewery Stop (163 likes) – (like somebody’s grandma I’m playing 163 for the lotto)
Panther Creek is about 30 minutes from me so I have to be intentional about visiting the brewery. Working in the area, I found myself just a mile away, and with time to kill I figured I’d stop in. I walk in and hear “congrats on your Cicerone!” I’m looking around like uh… thanks! After I order, I’m like ok table in the back… ya’ll know me… who the hell are ya’ll?! Well it turned out to be one of the owners of Panther Creek and another owner, Chad, of Frequency 528. Chad and I had been trying to link so I can try his beer, but here we are linking with none of his beer. Luckily we had Panther Creek’s beer to enjoy. I had a flight and was impressed. The Fresh Pressed was definitely one of my favs. BBE will be hosting a meet up at this location this year for sure!
Beer I Need to Finish Meme (157 likes)
When I saw this in a beer group, I had to share. Especially because I had just purchased a lot of beer and saw some releases I wanted. This is our life. Every beer drinker understood. Your spouse may not but you get it…
Stacey Abrams Appreciation Day (151 likes)
Listen… when those Georgia votes came through and that red state was flipped?! Stacey deserved the credit. There are a NUMBER of other folks that deserve credit as well, especially LaTosha Brown. Stacey has the notoriety, but as any true leader you acknowledge those that worked right beside you and uplift those that worked harder than you. She didn’t take all the credit, rightfully so, which earned her deeper respect. If that was possible.
Reppin my Pins (138 likes)
The Freedom Equals No Fear pin really makes you think. Am I truly free? As a Black person in America there is always a bit of anxiety around what’s around the corner. Yes, we had this major achievement but also… ya’ll tend to BLACKlash and we end up paying twofold for the advances we make. The Cicerone pin of course represents my accomplishments. I proudly rock that at random places, though I know it’s mainly for beer serves at the bar. I worked for mine so Ima wear my shit! My Cicerone goals are helping me to achieve my freedom. I will be embracing whatever is around that corner. I refuse to live in fear, I will be free.
VERY Honorable mentions
These may have not made the Top 9 list but these were my events that meant more than a like. I’m about creating experiences. It’s the only way you’ll expand your horizons.

Private Tasting at Crazy Gnome
We got to try Crazy Gnome’s beer before they opened. Meeting Grayson and Bennett and hearing their passion for their product, made their beer taste even better.
Various Artists Tap Takeover of The Local Distro

I can’t wait to host more of these! Bringing craft beer tap takeovers to Black owned establishments will be how you connect with the Black community. Introduce them to your product in their space, rather than trying to get them to yours. Various Artists understood this and was more than willing to take things over at The Local Distro.

Photoshoot at Fat Bottoms
This was so much fun! Getting pictures of some of the crew and drinking delicious beer. Fat Bottoms was a gracious host and really looked out. Word to @trinitiortizphoto for capturing this melanin!
The Craft Beer Homies
Gotta finish the year off shouting out my Nashville Black Beer Influencer homies! Justin Singleton of @BrewNCircles, Demetra Robinson of @Blcknbrewed, and OF COURSE, last but not mf’n least, Kramer Deans of @thebeerdedbrotha and my cohost of @theswigpodcast! These people reflect my love for beer and I can nerd out about beer while my cultural references understood AND appreciated. It’s rather refreshing. We’re bringing some heat in 2021 and you should be excited!